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A collection of videos with strategies to improve movement. Produced by the team at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
A website with information about functional seizures (dissociative seizures, non-epileptic attacks)
A website for young people with information about functional seizures (dissociative seizures, non-epileptic attacks)
Self Help Resources for Other Common Problems
The Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust maintains a website with excellent self-help
resources on a range of subjects including sleeping problems, anxiety, bereavement, low mood, etc.
Centre for Clinical Interventions, funded by the Department of Health, Western Australia, a range of useful self-help resources
Information About Pain
Explain Pain
A popular book for patients and clinicians
By David S. Butler & G. Lorimer Moseley
An animated explanation of pain
Patient Support Organisations
International / US based
UK based patient support charity
UK based patient support charity
UK based patient support charity
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